Things I Have to Have: The Anticipation of Spring

#anticipation Technically we are in spring. BUT, to me, we are in the “anticipation of spring” season. On the precipice. RIGHT NOW! The days where all things are transitioning rapidly from bleak to BEAUTIFUL! The fickle weather confusing us, and the earth, to know just how far to emerge each day from our cocoonish mindsets and modes of hibernation. Doesn’t… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: The Anticipation of Spring

Things I Have to Have: iPhone Timer App

“I should time myself doing this.” Timing things I do helps me BE FULLY PRESENT.  Allowing for no distractions, no aimlessness, no getting side-tracked, no wondering where the time went. While it might sound kind of rigid, maybe even robotic, it forces me to be singularly devoted to what I’m doing. When time is up, I truly move on. Knowing… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: iPhone Timer App

You Are NOT Alone!

Is the most powerful voice the one in your head? (Yes!) Does it speak to you all day, every day? (Yes!) And not so nicely most of the time? (How did you know?) Harsh tones of judgment and self-doubt? (Almost always!) Causing you to stay stuck? (Often!) Are you going to ALLOW this? Allow the easy… Continue reading You Are NOT Alone!

Productive WINS! Hands Down!

Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels lately? Not accomplishing much? Looking for some kind of break through? Something’s gotta give, right? If this is you, it’s time to look at whether you are just keeping busy, or actually being productive. Can you recognize the difference? If you’re feeling exhausted, not motivated, on the… Continue reading Productive WINS! Hands Down!